Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More popular are the ones more talked about

Just read this interesting article which says that people look for common grounds to talk rather than talking about the better things. This is in a way a reiteration of "Matthew Effect" (The rich get richer, the poor get poorer).

But this research being done in the social domain, could mean a lot about the way marketing is perceived. The gurus knew all along that it works, but to be proved that it does work is a different thing.

Understanding this concept can help a lot in marketing, especially on the web. If somehow one could get their product to be discussed on the "right" forums - it automatically starts generating traffic. If you pay a battery of people to discuss your product on twitter, and it features on the twitter search list, it is very likely that other people will start discussing it - as it will seem like the "IN" thing. Or if you can get your product discussed on slashdot or technorati, it is very likely that it will be discussed beyond that as well.

In fact this love for likeliness is seen in at the school and college level : A popular guy/girl is talked more about, and he/she gets more popular. If a group of 5 people start saying out loud that a certain dress is cool, the whole school gradually comes to accept the same as cool. So it can be used in adolescent marketing too. FMCG markets typically have a huge chunk of the demand coming from teens and just-left-teens . To be able to project the product as cool, they need to be able to make an impression at school, colleges, FaceBook, MySpace - and in all likelyhood, it will catch up.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

भारतीय प्रोद्योगिकी संसथान, मद्रास की पत्रिका "दी फौर्थ इस्टेट" आपकी रचनाएँ आमंत्रित करती है।

ये बहुत ख़ुशी की बात है कि "आई आई टी मद्रास" की पत्रिका "दी फोर्थ एस्टेट" अब ब्लॉग के जरिये अपने पाठकों से संपर्क बना सकेगी। अब तक कई विषय जो पत्रिका के मुद्रित होने के पहले टिपण्णी का इन्तेजार करते हुए दम तोड़ देते थे, अब इस ब्लॉग में जगह पा सकेंगे। नया सम्पादकीय दल आगे के संस्करणों को और अधिक रोचक बनाने से प्रयास में लगा हुआ है। उम्मीद है कि इस बार भी हम पहले से बेहतर होते "दी फोर्थ एस्टेट" के हिंदी खण्ड को नई दिशा में सफल रहेंगे।

"दी फोर्थ एस्टेट" अपने अगले संस्करण के लिए रचनायें आमंत्रित करता है। रचनायों केप्रकाशन हेतु प्रस्तुतिकरण पर कोई बंधन नहीं है।

कोई भी बात हो, गुस्से के साथ हो,
झूझते जज्बात हों या प्यार की तकरार हो
कहानी या लेख हो या डेली सोप हो,
जीने की तलब हो या मौत ही बैखोफ हो
प्रोजेक्ट की बात हो या हॉस्टल की रात हो
राजनीति का खेल हो या कोर कोई बेमेल हो
शास्त्रा के शस्त्र हो या सारंग के रंग हों
हो शुरू ले के कलम छोड़ के सारे भरम
फोर्थ इस्टेट के नाम कर लेख अपने ताजे गरम

आप अपनी रचना झटपट tfe.hindi.iitm@gmail.com पर भेज दीजिये. यदि आपको लगता है "दी फोर्थ एस्टेट" में कुछ कमी है तो अपने सुझाव तुंरत मेल कर डालिए.

आपके इन्तेजार में
आदित्य अंकित सत्येन्द्र

PS- For people for could not read the above few lines, dont despair. It was an announcement calling for entries for the Hindi (national language of India) campus magazine of IIT Madras.

PPS- For people who smell plagiarism, let me remind you that I am one of the hindi editors.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Different career options

This is something I wrote for the kids in school who want to choose a career which is non-traditional. As the academic coordinator for my school alumni association, We have posted it on my school notice board so to help students there.

I chose the path less traveled.

1) Art manager - One problem with Artists all over the world is that they are poor at marketing their art. This often means that they dont get the kind of money while they are alive as they get later on. As an art manager, you will have to take care of an artist's business. So that it allows him/her to make best use of his/her time while not worrying about a source of income.

This would require an understanding of the art and good convincing powers to get buyers to exhibitions.

2) Physio - Sports persons need a physio to look after their daily exercise and training while returning from an aliment.

This would require a good understanding exercises and what diet helps in what function besides some idea about the load a injured body can take so that it recovers fast.

3) Safety Engineer - Buildings often require someone who can certify that the building is safe for its designated use. All buyers of residential flats are advised to look for such a certification about its safety. Likewise, In an industrial setting, Companies often want to make sure that their building is safe to work in. That involves besides the safety of the structure, the environment at the place.

This requires knowledge about protection measures, lighting and ventilation requirements for residential and work usage, building structure testing and evacuation plans.

4) Environmental effect analyzer - There is a growing concern about human activity's detrimental effects on the environment. An EEA will have to look at different actions being taken by corporates and advising them so that the adverse effects are minimal.

With Copenhagen conference in less than six months from now, expect such jobs to be on a boom very soon.

This would require an aptitude for understanding various factors which affect the local and global eco-system, and more importantly, an ability to transform practices from worse to bad.

5) Energy Auditor - Energy costs are soaring right now. Everyone wants to cut down on their electricity wastage. In such situations, an energy auditor can pitch in with information on where the bulk of the wastage is happening and ways to reduce it.

An energy auditor to be effective will have to be a jack-of-all-trades. A person who has a working knowledge of various electrical and mechanical equipments, operations, and is aware of the various technologies available to solve a particular problem.

6) Web 2.0 Evangelist - The internet has revolutionized the way the world does business today. Your local shopkeeper can tell you about the latest offers at his place, you buy things from half way across the globe with the click of a button.

Businesses that fail to realize this potential, are losing their advantage. Most companies are awaking up to the reality that web 2.0 is, and this means that they need someone to promote their brand and business on the web - through twitter, facebook, youtube etc.

Passion for internet technology, and a knack for advertising without irritating the viewer is all that is required. On the net, the consumer has much more control over content than it the more traditional methods of advertisement - thats what makes it more challenging.

7) Event manager - Organizing an event is no mean job. One needs to ensure that everything is in place when its required. Besides the onus of publicizing the event also falls on the event manager.

People who know how to deal with people from all walks of life, can handle pressure and know how to get resources when in need are ideally suited for such a job.

8) Compering - This is the job for the fun-loving! Hosting an event, keeping the audience involved, pulling the crowd!

But, this is not for people who are shy and reserved. Only someone who gets along with people very well and fast, is a quick thinker and is spontaneous can make the cut here.

9) Architect - The infrastructure in India is expected to grow rapidly in the next few years. For that, we would need a lot of architects who can come up with engineering marvels that the country requires.

Creativity, along with building fundamentals is the quality to look for here.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

The little book of Flow

I generally don't post an entry here about something I read somewhere else unless I have something to say about it. But this time I am writing this just so that you guys and read it too. I read this 'essay' "The little book of flow" by Nick Smith, based on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's celebrated work - " Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience"

It seems as though you have your entire life's purpose described here. Just have a look. And yes, I don't really have anything to say about it except that its just too awesome.

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